Date: 19/10/2022

Time:11:00 am to 40:30 pm

i-CSEH club of Information Science and Engineering department of New Horizon College of Engineering had conducted an event “TECH CHARADES” on the 19th  of October 2022. Students from various departments of NHCE were actively participated in the event.

The event comprised of two rounds, the first round “Strike Mind” had a set of  20 questions consisting of riddles, puzzles, syllgoism etc.Each team had to solve it in 1 hour.The second round “On the trail” was a technical treasure hunt where each clue given were either logic gates,pseudo codes, ciphers etc.

The winners of the event were:

  Team Member 1 USN Team Member 2 USN Team Member 3 USN
1st Place Rahul Pratap Srivastava 1NH20CS177 Rahul Vivek niar 1NH20CS178 R Kirthan 1NH20CS174
2nd  Place Utkarsh bhardwaj 22CS171 Prashant jha 22CS129 Aum Patel 22CS125