Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
Orientation session on “Patent drafting and Filing procedures

Date: 28/01/2023
Time:10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Department of Information Science and Engineering along with IIC conducted a one day orientation program cum Q & A session on Patent drafting and Filing procedures for the departments of ISE, CE and AI ML on 28.1.2023. The session was handled by Dr. Agalya, professor in the department of EEE and the Associate Dean in the Department of research and Development, NHCE.
The Session was started with Introduction to what is meant by IPR, why Patent is important. In India who handles the patent, what are the different types of IPR are available. What is difference between filing a patent and grant of a patent etc.
The second session was a hands session about how to write a patent, what are the components of patent drafting, How to write a Title, what are the tricks to write a efficient title etc. Then she talked about preamble, how a preamble should be. Then she walked through the object of Innovation, brief of innovation etc.
The whole session was hands on session were the faculties are given a sample concept and asked to write a patent with the above said instructions. The important concept which was discussed in the session was how to write a claim of your innovation and what the different components of claim are.
The event ended with a thanksgiving note and a group photo of all the participants.