Best project of the year

The final year students of Department of Information Science & Engineering submitted 20 social centric project proposals to Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) 44th series of student projects programme during the academic year 2020-21 under the guidance of faculty members.
The following Projects were approved for sponsorship:
• Feature Learning And Analysis Of Pre Existing Conditions Prone to Covid Virus During Second Wave Using Binary Markov Random Fields
• IRING – A Smart Finger for the Visually Challenged
• 3D Printed Model for Toothbrush with Toothpaste Pouch For Elderly
• Acoustic Echo Cancellation for E-Learning Platform
The project “3D Printed Model for Toothbrush with Toothpaste Pouch For Elderly” was awarded for the Best Project of the Year Award in Information Science and Engineering. The project was executed by the students Mohammed Owez, Vishnu Vardhan, Hitesh Suhas and Himanshu Bhatt under the guidance of Dr. R J Anandhi and Mrs. Bilvika K M