The Big 4

Date: 13/10/2022

Time:11:00 am to 40:30 pm

i-SCRUM Club of Department of Information Science and Engineering conducted an event “Dinerotek-Spin, Bid and Win” on 13th October 2022 from 11:00am -4:30pm. The event was held for students from all the departments of NHCE. The event had active student participation with more than 40 participants.

The first round was “Wheel of fortune”, and the  second round was “Bid Fast and Last”. The event was conducted with great enthusiasm and every participant put their best foot forward. Every round forced the participants to think harder in order to secure their position in the event.

The winners of the DineroTek event were:

Team Name Team Member 1 USN Dept Team Member 2 USN Dept
Fibbo Keshav Krishna Kvour 1NH19CS077 CSE Joel Jacob 1NH19CS068 CSE
Clark Rohan Nagarkatte 1NH20IS134 ISE Kamboji Akhilesh 1NH20IS070 ISE