Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
Expert talk on “Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer”

Date: 23/02/2023
Time:11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Department of Information Science and Engineering along with IIC conducted an Expert talk on “Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), and Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer” on 23.2.2023 for the 3rd semester students. The session was handled by Dr. C.R. Rathish, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, NHCE. Dr. Mohan H S, HOD, Information Science and Engineering Department welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker of the day. The Speaker gave an insight on the Innovation, Incubation, Commercialization and Tech Transfer of our labs with the following objectives.
- Understood the innovation development process
- Became familiar with the concept of Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
- Identified the challenges of commercializing lab technologies
- Learned about the importance of tech-transfer
Explored successful case studies