Hackathon – CODE CRASH

Date: 12/04/2021
Time: 11:00 am To 1:00 pm
NOTE club of Information Science and Engineering department has conducted a Tech based hackathon called “CODE CRASH” on 12-04-2021 from 11 am to 1 pm.
The expert guides, Thirupurasundari P , Working as a Project Manager in HCL Technologies Ltd, Dr. R J Anandhi, Professor and Head of Information Science Department, Mrs. Rafega Beham, Senior Assistant Professor and Mr. Gautam, Senior Assistant Professor shared their knowledge and experience.
Code Crash was a national level event and were received over 100 registrations.
The event had two rounds:
- First round was a 25 questions quiz based on some fun technical questions. The top 25 participants were next for the next round.
- Second round was a coding challenge, where a problem statement was given and the participants could solve using any programming language. They were judged based on accuracy, numbers of characters used and speed.
The winners of the event are: 1.Jakka Ruthvik Kumar, 3rd Sem, ISE, NHCE 2.Gondrala Sai Sharanya, 6th sem, ISE, NHCE 3.Roshini K, 6th Sem, CSE, NHC