Industrial Visit to Bharat Fritz Werner

The Department of Information Science and Engineering organized an industrial visit to Bharat Fritz Werner on the 13th of September, 2019. A total of 22 students from the 3 rd semester along with the faculty in-charge Prof Shobha and Prof. Gowri Prasad had been a part of this Industrial visit.
The welcome speech was given by Mr. AN Chandramouli, Board Member of Starrag India and Director, Bangalore Aerospace Consultants. The theme setting for the Industry visit was set by Mr. B Indushekar and the importance of Industry 4.0 was provided by Mr. Ravi Raghavan, MD and CEO of BFW.
Mr. Ankit Jain, Operation Excellence, gave an introduction to BFW’s own IoT platform “IRIS”. He gave the students an idea of emerging technologies and digitalization of Assembly Line in BFW. A virtual visit through remote monitoring of BFW’s Machine shop at Hosur was carried out.Poka-Yoke case study on Pallet Change position confirmation was performed by Mr. Venkatesh and Mr. Kapil ,HMC, BFW. Students made shop floor visit at Machine shop and at Assembly Line.
The team definitely gave the students a broader perspective on how they need to work towards developing a successful career. He also gave an insight to the students on how to make visibility in this competitive world.
Students learned the importance of digitalization and automation using the latest technology of Internet of things (IoT). The Software product line ‘Iris” which provides live updates and its integration with GPS technology to automate the industrial workplace was demonstrated to the students. This helped them to have a real world understanding of the application of technology to digitalize Industry. Students were exposed to the foundation of Industry 4.0
Thus, this Industrial Visit was quite a remarkable one that allowed the aspiring engineers to have an experience of Industry 4.0 revolution. The buddy engineers understood the automation and digitalization of product line system using Internet of Things(IoT) paradigm.