Lowes India Campus Challenge 2020

Department: Information Science and Engineering
Date: Feb 2020 To: May 2020
LOWE’S announced its first ever campus hackathon challenge in February 2020.
Around 1000 teams from across the country including NIT’s and top Engineering institutions participated in the challenge comprising of 3 rounds.
22 teams including 5 teams from NHCE were shortlisted for the final round.
4 teams were finally selected. Proud to share that 2 teams from NHCE are amongst the winners. NHCE bagged the 2nd place (Rs. 1 lakh cash prize) and 3rd place ( Rs. 50,000 cash prize).
The students, Nithya, Ashwin and Karthik from ISE Department have won the 3rd place. Our students have taken NHCE to the next level in this All India
Lowe’s India Campus Challenge 2020.Hearty congratulations to the winning
teams who have made NHCE proud.