Program- Anti-Sexual harassment awareness week

Date From: 14-12-2023 and 15-12-2023
Time : 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
In order to commemorate the notification of the Act, awareness programme on sexual harassment of women at work place, New Horizon College of Engineering observed the same from 9th – 15th Dec, 2023.
The department of Information Science and Engineering has conducted Quiz, Poster making competition and Guest talk on the topic “Sexual harrasment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal)”. The female Students and Employees from various departments gathered to participate in the Quiz , poster making competition and Guest talk on 14th and 15th Dec, 2023 under the coordination of Dr Kalaivani and Mrs Bibiana Jenifer and Supervision of Head of the department, Dr.Vandana C P.
The following are the Activities conducted during the awareness
Activities 1: Quiz conducted on 14-12-2023
Students from various departments participated in online Quiz. Around 250 students attempted the quiz. This online quiz aims to enhance your understanding of sexual harassment prevention, workplace policies, and best practices. It’s an opportunity for individuals at all levels of the organization to engage with the subject matter and contribute to creating a respectful workplace culture.
Activity 2 : Poster making Competition conducted on 15-12-2023
The students were provided with the materials and were given a safe and judgment free space to express their voice for the cause through art and vibrant colors.
The participating teams were asked to speak about the elements in their poster and they expressed their opinions, concerns and precautions for prevention of sexual harassment while showcasing/presenting their posters to the judges.
Activity -3: Guest Speaker: Mrs. SATYAVANI conducted on 15-12-2023
Trained B.CLIP (Bangalore Civic Leadership Internship Program) Civic Leader from B.PAC, Certified B.SAFE Women’s Safety Ambassador in Mahadevapura Zone & has Received “Corona Warrior” Award from BBMP and Bangalore Police for Covid relief work and as part of Home Quarantine Squad.