Report on Recent Visit Sparsha Trust Makkala Dhama

Our recent visit to  Sparsha Trust Makkala Dhama was an incredible success! On 19/06/24, students from ISE Department came together to share joy, knowledge, and companionship with the amazing children at the orphanage.

Highlights of the Visit:

  • Engaging Activities: From games and crafts to storytelling sessions, the day was filled with laughter and creativity.
  • Educational Support: Our volunteers helped with homework, taught new skills, and inspired young minds.
  • Generous Donations: Students showered kindness  kindness by donating books, toys, clothes, and educational materials.

Impactful Moments:

  • Building Connections: Our students formed meaningful relationships with the children, leaving lasting impressions on both sides.
  • Spreading Joy: The smiles and excitement of the children made the visit truly memorable.
  • Community Spirit: This event highlighted the power of coming together to support and uplift others.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to this visit. The generosity and enthusiasm made a significant difference in the lives of the children at  Makkala Dhama.