Faculty Training Program on “Smart Board++”

Date: 17/07/2022 To 13/07/2022
Time:10:00AM to 5:00PM
Office of Dean academics in association with Department of Information Science and Engineering of New Horizon Collegeof Engineering arranged a Faculty training program for faculty member and technical staffs of various department of New Horizon College of Engineering. Faculties and technical staffs across department attended Faculty training session on 11-07-2022, 12-07-22,13-07-22 & 25-07-22. The event started at 10:00 AM, 11/07/22 with welcome speech and brief description on smart board++ by Dr. Manjunatha, Principal, NHCE. The Speaker of the day was Ms. Sumitha, Senior Product Manager, Senses electronics Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore. The main objective of the FTP is to explore the salient features of smart board and use the same efficiently and effectively in the class room. The faculty members interacted with the resource person with many queries and all query was clarified The Session ended with a positive note enriching the Faculty members to use smart board efficiently..