Date: 18/01/2022
Time: 10 AM – 4 PM
i-CSEH club of Information Science and Engineering department of New Horizon College of Engineering had conducted an event “OMNI TECH” on the 18th of January 2022. The event started at 10:00 in the morning, commencing with a short welcome speech.
The event compromised of two rounds. The first round ‘Break Ke Baad ‘ was an advertisement based quiz consisting of 15 questions.The second round was a Dumb-charades round, ENACT. The participants were grouped into pairs, and each pair was given three words to enact out in 60 seconds each.
The winners of the event were Deepak T and Lokesh Prasad from the Information Science Engineering Department and Rohan Nagarkatte and Anindhitha Muthuram from Information Science Engineering Department and Computer Science Engineering Department.